Tag: Cosmos


Azure app architecure - step05!!

deploy Vue.js to Azure Static Web. Create empty azure storage account. Enable Static Web Site Get Endpoint URL Build Vue project 1npm run build After build, create \dist folder.And we move this


Azure app architecure - step04

create Vue.js in local. Install vue-cli using cmd. 12npm install @vue/cli -gnpm i -g @vue/cli-init Create Vue-Project using vue-cli. 1vue init webpack user-frontend And enter value you want.I enter


Azure app architecure - step03

Deploy Azure Function In Azure Extenstion in VS Code, right click at function you created.Then Click Deploy to Function App.. Click Deploy. After a few minutes, we find the function in portal.


Azure app architecure - step02

Make Azure Function in Local requirementInstall Node.jsInstall Visual Studio Code. Open the VS Code. i set the path C:\dev\blog-backend\. Install Azure Function in Extension. After install, you


Azure app architecure - step01

Make CosmosDB First, we need to crete cosmosdb in portal.Select API : Cosmos DB for MongoDB API, Capacity mode: Serverlessthen other value set default value.and create resource. After created DB, y


Azure app architecure - Summary

I recently made a simple application for study.and i share this post. Final Architecture Price per month at koreacentral. Azure Calculator There is 5 step Related PostsAzure app archite