Category: VM


Latency Check bentween Azure VM

This time, Check Latency between Azure VM.And i use latte for check latency.latte download Ready two virtual machine. one is src VM. Other one is Target VM. And Target VM allow firewall about latte.


How can search NSG flow log easily?

We usually allow, block network flow using NSG in Azure.So, it’s very important to search NSG flow log. Today, we search NSG using Log analytics and Network Watcher in Azure portal.Before start, you r


How can i move vm to other subscription.

Hi. Sometimes we use POC subscription not PROD subscription.Then if you done POC, you move to resources include VM, LB, etc…Maybe VM move to another subscription not share tenant too difficult. So i t


Azure VM Copy using Snapshot

This post about Azure VM Copy using snapshot. The total process is as follow. OsDisk, Datadisk => snapshot snapshot => OsDisk_copy, Datadisk_copy OsDisk_copy, Datadisk_copy => VM_copy 1. C